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Custom Fulfillment

Solutions -

Case Studies

Large Top 5 US Event - 25k Bib Mail Outs

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tri packet stuffing + Mail

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Print-Your-Own Bibs Case Study

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40k+ Bibs & Tags

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Regional 10k - Tag Affix + Bib Mail

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Top 10 - US Event - Tag Affix


Top 5 - US Event: 50k bibs + 25k Mail Outs

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White Circle Vector
Bib Icon

Participant Identification

We managed the production of over 50k bibs, all receiving corresponding RFID tags. Almost half of all bibs were set to be shipped via UPS to participants as part of a sponsor activation.

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Plain Envelope Line Style

Custom Bib


We used our nationwide print network to provide the client with custom sized fully branded bib envelopes for the bibs being mailed directly to participants.

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Bulk Address Validation

We took the clients raw address data and ran through our address validation and cleansing process to red-flag all

un-deliverable addresses at scale.

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Business Communication Black Composition

Customized Tracking Communication

We built customized workflows to communicate tracking details to participants as soon as their bib packages hit specific tracking milestones to reduce any unnecessary "Where is my bib?" emails.


Triathlon - 3k+ Bibs + 800 Variably Packed Envelopes

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White Circle Vector
Bib Icon

Participant Identification

We managed the production of over 3k Race bibs with variable data. We coordinated with the Race Director on the delivery of the timing devices and straps.

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White Swim Cap Icon
Shirt Outline Icon

Multiple Variable Inserts

We used the variable data printed on the bibs and a specific sorting protocol to handle the inserting of variably sized shirts and variably assigned colored swimcaps.

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Bulk Address Validation

We took the clients raw address data and ran through our address validation and cleansing process to red-flag all

un-deliverable addresses at scale.

White Circle Vector
Business Communication Black Composition

Customized Tracking Communication

We built customized workflows to communicate tracking details to participants as soon as their bib packages hit specific tracking milestones to reduce any unnecessary "Where is my bib?" emails.


Timers - Print Your Own Bib Case Study

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Supply Chain


One of our timer clients, who prefer to have the capability of printing their own bibs, was in need of different material for their blank bib inventory. We worked with multiple material manufacturers to provide them with a 100% waterproof, lightweight material they could print on their laser printers.

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Custom Finishing Solutions

Finding the material was only half the battle, we also needed to get the large parent sheets into 8.5 x 5.5 size blanks with kiss cut pin holes, at scale. We worked with a specialty finisher capable of handling this lightweight waterproof material

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From our international material supplier to lift-gate delivery service with a domestic LTL carrier, we were able to reduce transportation cost across the board. We have now delivered close to 100k blanks for this client to print as they need.erable addresses at scale.


Top 10 - US Event: 40k bibs + Tag Affixing + Team Sorting

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White Circle Vector
Bib Icon

Participant Identification

We managed the production of over 40k bibs across 3 different sub-events that required having the RFID tags affixed. The catch? The customer needed the bibs delivered in banded team clusters that were non-numerical.

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Variable Image Printing

We used the DB provided from the clien to turn the full bib image into a rotating variable allowing us to print in a team sort - non-numeric protocol to aid in the post affixing sorting of teams.

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RFID Tag Affixing

We partitioned the provided RFID tags into assigned groups for our tag affixing crew. Within each group we broke out the tags into sub-groups that were assigned to specific "art lots". Our tag affixing crew would pull from the specifically assigned sub group based upon the printed bib art.


10k Road Race - 12k+ Bibs + 2k+ Variably Packed Envelopes

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White Circle Vector
Bib Icon

Participant Identification

We managed the production of over 12k race bibs with variable data. We coordinated with the RFID tag provider for the RFID tags, and affixed tags to all bibs. We split produced bib lots based upon delivery method (direct mailed to participant vs. Expo pick up)

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Shirt Outline Icon

Inserting Variable Shirts

We used the race bib as the vessel to provide instruction for the kitting process.

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Bulk Address Validation

We took the clients raw address data and ran through our address validation and cleansing process to red-flag all

un-deliverable addresses at scale.

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Mailbox Icon

Mailed via USPS

The best and cheapest way to drop ship 1000's of packages is through the USPS. Which means to create the most value for our client we had to work within the USPS guidelines and provide accurate weights for each shirt option, while also being able to provide tracking back to the client.


Large Road Race - 40k Bibs + Tag Affixing on Tight Schedule

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White Circle Vector
Bib Icon

Participant Identification

We managed the production of over 40k race bibs with over 10+ variable fields with a very strict timeline for a large top 10 US-based road race.

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RFID Tag Affixing

We utilized 3 of our tag affixing crews split across 2 states to maximize throughput to stay on schedule and insure our timeline was met.

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We consolidated from a single point of shipping along with bulk finished goods for race day to deliver completed products that were boxed & labeled clearly by corral to make expo prep easier.